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The Hebron Historical Society

Hebron, Connecticut

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Restoration Projects Overview

Old Town Hall

Old Town Hall

In May, 2004, the Connecticut Legislature bonded $50,000 for the repairs and renovations of Hebron's Old Town Hall as part of Senate Bill 803. The language of the bill can be found at General Assembly web site and states the following in Section 13 (a) (2):

(2) Grants-in-aid for restoration and preservation of historic structures and landmarks, not exceeding $600,000, provided not more than $50,000 shall be made available to the Hebron Historical Society for restoration of Old Hebron Town Hall.

The Executive Board and members of the Hebron Historical Society have been working with State officials since June, 2004 in order to obtain this grant money and make the much needed repairs and restorations to Old Town Hall. We also gratefully acknowledge the efforts of the Town of Hebron and various legislative offices for their assistance in moving the grant process along. We hope, at a minimum, to at least have the building painted by the end of 2005.

All repairs and renovations must be completed by December 31, 2006 in order to meet the terms of the Funding Agreement with the State of Connecticut.

Gull School House

Since May 2004, Society members have been working diligently to complete renovations to the Gull School House. The building was moved to Hebron Town Center in September 2001, adjacent to the Hebron Town Office Building and the Horton House. Interior renovations are almost complete; exterior renovations will be completed in mid-2005.

Special recognition goes to the following:

  • Thomas Linskey, West River Restorations, Portland, CT. Tom went far beyond the project scope with his work on the windows, floors and interior carpentry. Tom will be working on exterior repairs in mid-2005.
  • Richard Macrina, Hebron, CT. During the course of ceiling repairs, we discovered that the chimney needed to be flashed. Richard volunteered for this job as a community service, and used copper flashing. Excellent job!
  • Craig Cyr, Hebron, CT. Craig has done a variety of jobs on the project, and continues to be highly involved in completing the project.
  • Will Aubin, Hebron, CT, Eagle Scout project. Will is in the process of preparing an inventory of Gull furniture and accessories, painting the interior, and preparing a ready-to-view museum of the Gull, all in time for the Grand Re-Opening Ceremonies on March 12, 2005.

Burrows Hill School House

The Burrows Hill School, believed to be the oldest one room school house in Hebron, will be open once again during Maple Fest on Saturday, March 12, 2005. The school house contains historic furniture and accessories, and remains a gem in Hebron's history.

The Society is seeking individuals or groups who are interested in helping us paint this 1725 school house during 2005. According to pictures from the Smith family collection, the original color of the school house was white, and we want to restore the original color.

Please contact Craig Cyr at 228-9317 if you can help with this painting project.

Peters House on East Street

The Peter's House, which dates back to the mid-1700's, is located on the Lombardi property which was recently purchased by the Town of Hebron as Open Space. The house is in amazing condition, especially given its age.

The Hebron Historic Properties Commission is working with the Town, as well as a variety of State agencies, to determine the best use of the Peter's House. There are many ideas coming from a variety of Commissions, including the Historic Properties Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Historical Society.

The History of the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse

Hebron's Efforts to Maintain its Historical Heritage

bhsh sm

On the corner of School House Road lies a small red one room building.  Inside, in the front of the room, stood a teacher’s desk, on which was placed a few old pencils.  The blackboard was, amazingly, still intact.  On the floor, near the doorway, was a bright red piece of wood which was used to cover the “tobacco hole,” the place where colonial students disposed their tobacco before coming to class.  These are the descriptions of the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse from a 1993 article, “It was moving day for Burrows Hill School” written in The Chronicle.

The Burrows Hill Schoolhouse is one of nine  one-room schoolhouses in Hebron, Connecticut that remains standing, as well as being the oldest one.  The original Burrows Hill Schoolhouse was built around 1730, when some of the earliest families in the Burrows Hill area, such as the Porters, Macks, Skinners, and Tillotsons realized that a school was necessary for the education of the increasing number of children in their area.


The school operated from its start until between the years of 1834 through 1860, because of the decline in the number of children in the Burrows Hill area.  Desks were removed from the inside the schoolhouse and transferred to the Hope Valley section where, at the time, the population was greater.  Later, around the 1860’s, the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse reopened when Hope Valley experienced a decline in population.  The Burrows Hill Schoolhouse flourished into the 1870’s, until the population gradually declined in the early 1900’s.  Around 1911, the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse offered its last school session to the town of Hebron, before closing its doors. Students were then transferred to Hebron Center School. While no longer in use, the Burrows Schoolhouse is one of the oldest buildings within our town (some argue it is the oldest existing building to date), and now a historical monument, for which the Hebron Historical Society is now responsible.

Since its founding, which is believed to be somewhere around 1725 to 1735, the Burrows Schoolhouse has been through several refurbishings and restoration projects. In the past year and into 2016, Ron Vitarelli from Hebron Boy Scouts Troop 28 has repaired the outhouse at the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse as part of his Eagle Scout Project.  Ron began by taking down and cutting up the maple that was overhanging the outhouse and then began repairing various parts of the outhouse from replacing boards, painting the entire building, installing the stone for better drainage, and moving the outhouse back to its original foundation.  Ron and his fellow Eagle Scouts have refurbished and restored the outhouse for the public eye.  While Ron’s renovation is the most recent renovation on the historical building, it is certainly not the first.  The Burrows Hill Schoolhouse has a long list of renovations just in the past twenty five years.


In 1993, the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse was moved from the corner of Burrows Hill and Schoolhouse Roads and placed on a foundation forty feet from its original location, away from any oncoming traffic.   Since then, there have been several occasions for up keeping and maintaining the schoolhouses’ historical heritage.  The original article about the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse 1993 move can be read on the Historical Society's website, at this link: http://www.hebronhistoricalsociety.org/images/files/BHSMovingDayChron122193.pdf

Ben Staba and his son-in-law, John Hoban, originally supplied and installed the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse eighteen years ago (see below).


More recently in 2005, Matthew Siok, a Hebron resident, led a team of volunteers to repair and refurbish the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse as part of his Eagle Scout project for Troop 28.  He and his team of volunteers scraped and painted the exterior of the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse, as well as painted and repaired the windows.  If you'd like more info on Matthew's renovations on the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse, please check here for more details.

unnamed4Matt Siok in front of the Burrows Hill Outhouse

And now, Ron Vitarelli has followed up these repairs for the outhouse at the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse as part of his Eagle Scout Project.  The Hebron Historical Society is very thankful for Ron Vitarelli’s assistance, as well as Ben Staba, John Hoban, and Matt Siok for preserving our town’s heritage and history.


Check out the Burrows Hill Schoolhouse and its Outhouse on School House Road.

by Adam Phelps

Visit Adam's Blog http://thehebronharvester.blogspot.com/


Volunteer Opportunities at Hebron's Historic Peters House

Peters House Photo 2013The Peters House, at the entrance to Burnt Hill Park, is slowly returning to its early magnificent appearance. All who have passed 150 East Street since late last summer have noticed the exterior restoration and new paint on the house. The sign, posted in the front yard until recently, noted that the work had been supported by a State of Connecticut STEAP (Small Town Economic Assistance Program) Grant which had been allocated for the Town of Hebron in 2009. That grant plus another provided by the 1772 Foundation has paid for all work done on the house to date.

To continue the restoration, the Town of Hebron is working with the Historic Properties Commission to coordinate the volunteer phase on the interior of the house. There will be tasks appropriate for individuals at all levels of expertise. The first jobs available will be the removal of kitchen cabinets, the demolition of some modern paneling as well as added wall partitions, and the removal of tacks & nails from added floor coverings. Once those jobs are completed, we will have the house back to its original skin.

Following the demolition stage, volunteers will be offered the chance to spackle, paint, restore flooring, complete wainscot, re-point masonry, and probably work on the exterior yard and garden beautification. For more experienced craftspeople, there will be the opportunity to construct a staircase, to replace boards and molding around fireplaces, and to make other structural alterations.

As work continues, it is our hope that individuals from other professional areas (heating/air conditioning, plumbing, electrical work, etc.) will group together to offer their services to the Historic Peters House.

The goal of these efforts is to return the appearance of the main house to its original ca. 1790 appearance, and the ell to about 1750. It is the plan of the Board of Selectmen to use the Peters House for historical exhibit and educational purposes as well as for community meetings and other functions.

Once individuals have shown interest in being a part of this volunteer opportunity, dates will be set for Peters House Walk-Thru and Training Sessions. At this time, volunteer tasks will be further identified, procedures for scheduling and sign-up will be explained, and volunteers will be asked to complete a form providing name, address, phone #, e-mail address, job interest and capability, work availability (days & times), etc.

To sign up to be a volunteer, just click on "Contact Us", and give us contact information, what type of work you'd like to do, and when you can work.


“Operation Observation” Achieves Many Goals

When it comes to challenges, Hebron’s Boy Scout Troop 28 is never afraid to step up to the plate.  Connor Sabia is one of those scouts who joined the move to preserve Hebron’s many historic properties.  He decided to call his Eagle project “Operation Observation,” a fitting title to his plan once you hear the story!

As many know, the historic World War II Civilian Observation Post has resided at the Church of Hope (formerly the Hebron Congregational Church) for decades.  But that was not its original location; it was originally built in 1942 and moved to “Post Hill” on the Robinson Farm because of the land’s higher elevation.  Robinson Farm was located on the far eastern border of Hebron, adjacent to the Columbia town line; the little building was known as “Freeman Observation Post #52.”

Local resident Dorothy Brehant Taggart has been actively involved in preserving the post for many years; according to letters she has received from the U.S. Air Force and the Air Force Museum, Freeman #52 is the last known civilian observation post still in existence (many military observation posts still stand, but civilian posts were either torn down or deteriorated beyond repair following the war.)

Following the war, one of the post’s directors, Lucius Robinson, moved the structure to the Hebron Volunteer Fire Department, and then again to the Hebron Congregational Church (where he served as Senior Deacon) when the fire department decided to expand their facility.  “My mother, Ethel Brehant, and Al Billard used the building as a Sunday School room occasionally,” said Taggart.

Over time, the building became used for storage.  “Connie Jones and I were leaving the Congregational Church one night in September 2003,” Taggart remembered.  “She commented that it was a shame the little observation post was in such ill repair.  When I agreed, her comment was ‘Well, you’re the historian, why don’t you do something?”

That one comment motivated Taggart to put the post’s restoration on her bucket list.  She cleaned the inside and started collecting memorabilia from local residents, many of whom had a wealth of items to contribute.  “I opened the Post at Maple Fest in 2004,” said Taggart.  “Jennie Billard, Debbie Morrow, and I took turns as docents and many people came.”

But, according to Taggart, it was an article by Steven Goode for the Hartford Courant, published on July 12, 2004, that reached a broader audience and resulted in Taggart receiving many inquiries – and subsequent donations of World War II items – and that brought the existence of the post to national attention.  “Some of the contributions came from as far away as North Carolina and California!” said Taggart.

Taggart’s brother, Fred Brehant, submitted a copy of his Certificate of Recognition. “Boys in the eighth grade at Hebron Elementary School attended classes and were trained in first aid, including stretcher bearing, in the event of an attack.  He was only 14 years old at the time,” recalled Taggart.

Even though this determined woman did her best to clean up the post, its longevity was a challenge.  “Winston Averill and his son, Trevor, visited the museum one day and asked if Trevor could repair the post as an Eagle Scout project.  I firmly believe that Trevor saved the post,” Taggart said emphatically.  All foundation boards were replaced, as well as the side boards.  Paint was scraped to bare wood and repainted with two coat of high quality paint.  Averill also placed a professional sign on the front of the building.  For his efforts at the post, as well as his other community and scout work, on August 16, 2008, Trevor Averill became the 91st Hebron Boy Scout to receive the Eagle ranking.

Time sometimes seems to recycle itself, and the building again started to be used for storage.  Taggart became determined to relocate the building to town-owned property so that the artifacts in the post could be preserved in perpetuity.  She approached the Hebron Historic Properties Commission, which, especially through the efforts and dedicated time spent by member Mary Ann Foote, eagerly took on the project.

Also stepping in was Connor Sabia, who worked tirelessly with both the Historic Properties Commission and Hebron Historical Society to make Taggart’s dream come true.  Sabia decided that “Operation Observation” would be his Eagle project, and relocating the post to town property the primary goal.  After much discussion among board and commission members, it was decided to relocate the small building to the north side property owned by the Town of Hebron, adjacent to the Hebron Town Office Building.

Town officials also required a long term maintenance agreement should the building be moved to town property.  In a first-ever binding agreement, the Hebron Historical Society entered into a joint partnership with Troop 28 Boy Scouts to maintain the property in the future.

Does any of this sound easy?  It wasn’t, as Sabia’s own project plan reveals.

“The main effort of my Eagle Project involved the construction of a new foundation for Observation Post #52.  In leading the project I planned each step, then worked with volunteers, scouts, and adults to complete the following:

  1. 1. Obtain the correct permits for my project which included DOT approval because the building would be moved across a state road [Route 85], an approved site plan, Planning and Zoning approval, and a Building permit.
  2. 2. Prepare the site and excavate the area for the post (below grade) – we saved the dirt for backfilling and finish grading after the construction.
  3. 3. Dig holes for six concrete piers (each pier was 8 inches in diameter and 42-48 inches deep per code requirements.)  One pier in each corner and two in the middle (two rows of three piers each) were installed; with each pier using sono-tube forms.
  4. 4. Mix concrete to fill the piers and backfill each pier with pea stone.  We also put down landscape cloth, gravel and pea stone under the entire Post footprint to reduce moisture underneath the structure to protect it from future water damage.
  5. 5. Construct three carrying joists of 2x8 inch pressure-treated wood 12 feet long.  These pieces were cross bolted and sit in metal 'saddles' atop the concrete piers.  The carrying joists match the Post's footprint.
  6. 6. Attach hurricane straps from the piers to the carrying joists.
  7. 7. Prepare the post for the move after the foundation site work was complete.  The physical move was done by Country Carpenters; they donated the use of a forklift and professional operator Chipper Massey to move the post from the church, down Route 85, which stopped traffic from both directions for only a very short period of time, and place it on the foundation.”

The building traveled approximately 650 feet from its current location to its new and permanent resting place. “We prepared the post for the move by emptying all items, cross- bracing the interior, and removing the windows,” said Sabia.  “We also put up heavy duty plastic up in the window spaces to reduce water damage to the interior, and installed interior bracing to limit and hopefully prevent any structural damage during the move.”

The ground was extremely wet from the October 29 storm, and the forklift had to be substituted by an even larger forklift, again courtesy of Country Carpenters. After a few heart-stopping moments by the many in attendance, the post was finally placed on the foundation.  The scouts and volunteers then backfilled the foundation, repaired the foot-deep forklift tracks in the mud, and spread grass seed.  

“We also built a small porch for the Post with a pressure-treated wood base and a cedar top, based on a graphical reconstruction of the original 1942 porch,” said Sabia.

The inside still requires a significant amount of the inside work, a project that was recently undertaken by Boy Scout Mike Amato as part of his Eagle Project requirements.

“When I started Operation Observation, I thought of it as a project - like a Merit Badge – something that I had to do,” said Sabia.  “But now, when I look back and consider the planning, the effort, the people who willingly stepped forward to help at every step of the project, I feel honored, humbled, and proud. -I could not have done this with out them.  Operation Observation is as much their achievement as it is mine.  I'll remember the lessons I learned forever.”

“It is projects like this that allow Boy Scouts of all ranks to put into practice our Scout Oath, Law, Slogan, and Motto,” he said.

More importantly, he said that “moving the Observation Post definitely presented me with challenges and learning opportunities.  I learned there is more than one way to do something, that it is important to solicit ideas from multiple sources, get advice and on the pros and cons of each, make a decision on what to do, and then act on your decision.”

“The people in Town Hall were very helpful, as were the adult leaders in Troop 28.   My project helped me develop and strengthen skills in leadership, planning, organization, and also enabled me to better understand an important part of our town’s history.  I also learned a lot about carpentry and foundation building, which can be an important skill as an adult,” he said.

“I am very grateful to Mr. Winston Averill and Mr. Dan Huppe for donating building materials to my project. This entire process has been an excellent learning experience for me,” said Sabia.  “I worked firsthand with Town Boards and officials to organize my plan and select a site.  I want to thank Mr. Mike O'Leary and Mr. Joe Summers for their help and guidance as I worked on permits and plans.  I also want to thank Ms. Mary Ann Foote, Ms. Donna McCalla, and Ms. Dottie Taggart for their enthusiasm and support.”

Sabia, whose documentation reflects that the project involved over 60 individuals, 350 volunteer hours, and approximately $2,300 in expenses and materials (nearly 70% of which was donated), also wanted to also thank and acknowledge former Town Manager Bonnie Therrien, Ed Rothman, Freddy Brehant and absolutely everyone at Country Carpenters, members of the Hebron Historic Properties Commission, the members of Hebron Historical Society, the Hebron Board of Selectmen, the Hebron Planning & Zoning Commission, State Trooper Sam Izzarelli and Hebron Resident State Trooper James Nolting.

“The little World War II Observation Post Mini-Museum represents an important period in the history of Hebron, and in the history of our country,” said Taggart.  “Although there have been advances in technology since that time, the need for vigilance, security and protection from those who would seek to cause us harm was the same then, as now,” she said.

While the post will unfortunately not yet be ready to open during Maple Fest, keep your eyes open for news of the date of its Grand Re-Opening!


Hebron residents and Peters family want Peters House preserved

By Robert D. Muirhead

Journal Inquirer

Published: Saturday, February 7, 2009 2:14 AM EST

HEBRON — Residents and descendants of Lois and Cesar Peters — who were saved by local officials in 1787 from being sold back into slavery — told town officials Thursday that they want to see the couple’s house preserved as a historic site.

Members of the public were invited to voice their opinions on the future of the Peters House at a special public hearing Thursday.

Over 40 people — including direct descendants of Cesar and Lois Peters — arrived to plead with the town to place the home on the historic register and preserve it for the town and future generations.

“I think it would be just a shame not to put it on the historic register,” resident Ken Randall said.

Randall told the board that the town was blessed to have such a significant piece of history.

“Why not take advantage of what you’ve got?” he asked.

“We have a national treasure in our community,” Finance Board member Daniel Larson said.

Larson, along with many of the other speakers, urged the Board of Selectmen to nurture that treasure by placing the house on the historic register. He also wished to continue to honor the history of the town and the Peters family.

“We now have names and faces we could put to the treasure,” Larson said of Alethia Daughtrey and her family, who are direct descendants of the legendary Cesar and Peters.

Daughtrey is an author who is writing a book about the family’s history that began as part of a writing project.

“Learning about your history is very different from sitting in class,” Daughtrey said.

Her family’s first visit to Hebron — in a mass caravan of close to a dozen cars — was a moving look at her ancestors.

“I knew that it was part of our family,” Daughtrey said of the house. “Now there’s something that connects us to history.”

According to legend, in the fall of 1787, freed slaves Cesar and Lois were abducted by slave traders and taken to the ports at Norwich.

Before the slave traders could abscond with the couple, however, the town went to their rescue; the sheriff trumped up false charges on the two and “arrested” them, bringing them back to live out their days free in Hebron.

The town acquired the Peters House as part of a $1.25 million, 122-acre land purchase in September 2004. The Board of Selectmen is currently deciding what to do with the property.