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The Hebron Historical Society

Hebron, Connecticut

Enjoy Hebron - It's Here To Stay ™

Hebron CT Pump

Will Aubin - Eagle Scout Project

In September 2001, the Gull School House was moved from the Green property in Amston to the center of town, adjacent to the Hebron Town Office Building and the Horton House. After three years, the interior of the Gull has been restored and a ready-to-view museum will be available as a result of Eagle Scout Will Aubin's project. Will's crew battled below zero temperatures to sand, scrape, and paint the interior. Much thanks goes to Willie Bell and the Town of Hebron for their support in this project!

Tours will be available from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 12. Grand Re-opening Ceremonies are planned for 1:00 p.m. with Town Officials, members of the Henrietta Green family, and Historical Society members in attendance.

Follow the progress of Will and his crew though the picture gallery.

Inventory of Gull Contents

Will inventories all the Gull furniture and accessories stored at Old Town Hall

The Inventory Begins

Will and his crew gather at the Gull in below zero temperatures to begin the sanding and scraping; Willie Bell supplied much needed heat.

Moving Day for the Gull Furniture

Will and the crew are preparing to move the Gull contents to it new home.

Prophet's Rock Once Again Open to the Public

Hebron’s oldest historic monument – Prophet’s Rock – is finally accessible to the public, thanks to Billy Czaja and his dedicated team of Troop 28 Scouts.

Dinosaur Footprint Project

Letter to Hebron Historical Society from Friends of Douglas Library, celebrating this successful partnership.

Our thanks to Paul Mazzaccaro, Town Manager, Andrew Tierney, Director of Public Works, John Soderberg (who built the stand for the library) but most especially to (left to right) Robert Taylor, Paul Sylvester, Scott Cofiell, and William Claussen for moving the massive artifact. Many more pictures of the move are now available!

Dinosaur Footprint

Photo Gallery