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Hebron, Connecticut

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Testimonies Executive Producer Karyl Evans Nominated for 3 Emmys

On April 15, 2009 it was publicly announced that Connecticut filmmaker Karyl K. Evans received three Emmy Award Nominations from the Boston/New England Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

Ms. Evans is serving as Executive Producer for Testimonies of a Quiet New England Town, written and directed by Matthew Troy and produced by Hebron Historical Society.

Ms. Evans received one nomination as the Producer/Director/Editor for "Grove Street Cemetery: City of the Dead, City of the Living" about the history and community involvement with the Grove Street Cemetery in New Haven, Connecticut.  This film was nominated in the Best Informational Program category.

Ms. Evans was also nominated for Best Director (Individual Achievement) for the Grove Street Cemetery film.

In Addition, Karyl was also nominated as the Producer/Director/Editor for the Best Educational Program for a short documentary she created about the New Haven Symphony Orchestra's Youth Orchestra Festival.

The Emmy Awards ceremony will be held on May 30th in Boston.


How Did White Women Aid Former Slaves...

There is an amazing educational resource on the internet:  Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1830-1930. Among the many articles and documents on this site, you will find Dr. Carol Faulkner's "How Did White Women Aid Former Slaves during and after the Civil War, and What Obstacles Did They Face?"  Make sure you read the primary documents, which include several letters to and from Josephine Griffing.


Use HHS Search Feature!

The number of documents and pictures available on our website is growing rapidly.  Make sure you use our "Search" feature to find the information you are looking.  If you have any problems with the Search feature, or cannot find information on Hebron history, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Women's Radical Reconstruction: The Freedmen's Aid Movement

Dr. Carol Faulkner has provided definitive information about Hebron's own Josephine Sophia White Griffing in her Women's Radical Reconstruction:  The Freedmen's Aid Movement. Learn more about Josephine's role in the Freedmen's Bureau in this must-have book.


Historic Peters House Site Added to Freedom Trail

"The Peters House has taken another step closer to being recognized as an historic icon."  Read the Chronicle Article Traci Dutcher-Hastings, Willimantic Chronicle.