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The Hebron Historical Society

Hebron, Connecticut

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Connecticut Troops at Gettysburg Subject of May Historical Society Meeting

Hebron Historical Society is pleased to announce that Connie Satton will be presenting her original research on Connecticut troops who engaged rebel troops for three days at the fierce and bloody Battle at Gettysburg.

On July 1, 1863, the 17th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry Regiment faced screaming Georgian infantry on a knoll outside the southern Pennsylvania town. On July 2, the tiny 27th Connecticut lost about half its number in a field of wheat; and on July 3, the 14th Connecticut and 2nd Connecticut Light Battery took part in the great slaughter that ended General George E. Pickett's charge and General Robert E. Lee's hopes of a tide-turning Confederate victory.

Years ago, Satton said she was standing on Little Round Top, one of Gettysburg's best-known sites, "and I guess I got bit by the Civil War bug." For the past 17 years, the retired Rockville General Hospital employee has attended lectures, field tours and numerous programs on Civil War history that focuses on Gettysburg.

ct 17th regiment editedMembers of Connecticut’s 17th Regiment met the challenge of the rebel troops during the Battle of Barlow’s Knoll.Members of Connecticut’s 17th Regiment met the challenge of the rebel troops during the Battle of Barlow’s Knoll.

Satton's presentation includes Civil War music and modern photographs of the battlefield sites where Connecticut troops fought. Past President of the Vernon Historical Society, she has also attended the Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College for the past 20 years. “I’ve walked the battlefield many times, and all slides that will be shown at the meeting were taken by me,” she said.

Those include:

* Barlow's Knoll, where Lt. Col. Douglas Fowler, commanding the 17th Connecticut, ordered his men to charge the enemy.

* Wheatfield, where the tiny 27th Connecticut engaged in a fight of incredible savagery on July 2. The regiment, decimated by the capture of several companies at Chancellorsville, went into the fight with 75 soldiers but emerged with only 37.

*Cemetery Ridge, where Connecticut infantry and artillery were among Union troops who met approximately 12,000 Confederate infantrymen marching towards them in the battle's culminating bloodbath, Pickett's Charge. Facing its first big fight, the Connecticut Light, 2nd Battery, led by Captain John W. Sterling, pitched their shot at the advancing rebels from four rifled cannon.

picketts charge_1_editedConnecticut troops suffered large loses at Pickett’s charge. Connie Satton will present her original research on the importance of our state’s troops during the Civil War at Hebron Historical Society’s May 24 meeting.

Satton quoted St. Clair Mulholland of Pennsylvania regarding the role of Connecticut troops at Pickett’s Charge. "Sterling's men made superb firing, their shells bursting in the faces of the advancing host. One of the lieutenants of the battery, a very tall long legged fellow, could not restrain his delight at seeing the excellent work that his battery was doing, and when he would see a good shot and his shells bursting right in the ranks of the Confederates, the arms and legs flying, he would leap up, crack his heels together, and give a great scream of joy. Never was there such a moment of joy and happiness in the ranks of command."

Sterling survived the war, passing away in 1881. He is buried at the famous Mountain Grove Cemetery and Mausoleum in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

The slide show and lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 24 at Old Town Hall, 24 Main Street. Old Town Hall is located just east of the intersection of Routes 85 and 66. The public is cordially invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served; donations are gratefully accepted.

For more information, call Program Chair Louise Casarella at 860-643-9288.



mike kachubaHebron Historical Society is pleased to announce that Mike Kachuba, former Connecticut State Troubadour, is appearing at their regular meeting on Thursday, April 26. The event will be held at Hebron's Old Town Hall starting at 7:30 p.m.

Kachuba will present a lively and entertaining collection of songs and stories of Connecticut's past heroes and events.

This family-friendly event will feature Kachuba performing on guitar, hammered dulcimer, mountain dulcimer, English concertina and even more!

Mike Kachuba is a songwriter, musician, and arts educator who brings music to audiences of all ages through performances and workshops. He is currently on the roster of performers for Young Audiences of Connecticut and a Master Teaching Artist for the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism.

Students from pre-school to college have experienced Mike in either performances or residencies in the school. His programs are linked to curriculum and to State of Connecticut education standards, especially in the areas of writing, math, social studies and music.

Mike is also an artist in residence at the Connecticut Children's Medical Center, bringing song-writing and music to children in the hospital setting. He has extensive experience singing for those in convalescent hospitals and assisted living facilities as well.

Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 26 and enjoy this once in a lifetime experience with Mike Kachuba. Light refreshments will be served; donations to support the Society's educational programs are gratefully accepted. For more information, please contact Program Chair Louise Casarella at 860-643-9288.


World War II: Where Were YOU?


Where were YOU during World War II?  Were you living in Hebron or Columbia?  Do you remember the Civilian Aircraft Observation Posts “manned” by residents between 1941–1943,  the second one having been located just over the Hebron/Columbia town line on top of Post Hill?   Have you noticed the little white building new to the Hebron Town Office Building complex?  That’s the old Observation Post, and it will have its lookout tower back soon.

In conjunction with the Observation Post restoration, the Hebron Historic Properties Commission wants to gather information about both Hebron and Columbia and their war preparedness involvement.    Did you volunteer as an aircraft observer?  Were you a student collecting scrap metal for recycling?  Did you sew bandages for the Red Cross for use overseas?  Do you remember the blackout drills?  Did you buy war bonds?  How did your family deal with ration stamps?  Whatever you did for the hometown war effort, we want to hear about it.

Carla Pomprowicz, Hebron’s Town Clerk, has offered to act as moderator for  “Remembering World War II in Columbia & Hebron.” which will be videotaped. The event will be held in the Community Room of the Douglas Library, on Friday, February 10th 2012 at 2:00 PM.  Join us and share your memories so that this portion of our local history will be preserved.

Hebron Historic Properties Commission


Country Carpenters Offers New Event at Maple Fest


As in past years, Country Carpenters will be open free to the public during Maple Fest this year with their many traditional activities that focus on the colonial era. Country Carpenters is located at 326 Gilead Street (Route 85, north of the center of town), across the street from the Hebron Lions Fairgrounds. The event will be held on both Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

A one new event is scheduled this year at Country Carpenters that you won’t want to miss. Erich Steinhagen, a Griswold resident who owns Steinhagen Pottery, and his wife Janice will be on site to demonstrate the intricate skill of colonial redware pottery making.

The Steinhagens, both of whom hold Bachelor of Arts degrees in art/art education, began collaborating and coordinating their talents shortly after meeting at college. Soon they discovered they had more in common than just art, and married in 1981. Today, they travel throughout New England and the Northeast, displaying their pieces, selling many of them to re-enactor groups and museums.

Steinhagen’s pieces are all modeled on colonial era pottery such as jugs, flasks, pitchers, bean pots, butter churns, and even inkwells. He weaves fascinating tales into his demonstration, making it both an exciting educational and entertainment event. You can learn more about Steinhagen at his website, www.steinhagenpottery.com.

Early American Life has twice selected Erich as one of one of “America’s best traditional craftsmen.” This is your opportunity to come and learn more about the thrill of the potting wheel, and the artistic items that can come out of simple mud, from a master of the art.

The Old Village Blacksmith shop, will be again be open, with live demonstrations of this ageless craft by Fred Brehant and his son, Freddy Brehant, who is Operations Manager at Country Carpenters.

In the Village Mill area, you will see wood working demonstrations by James Easton, wood turning demonstrations by Coventry’s own Paul Maulucci, furniture making demonstrations by Doug O’Connor, and (on Saturday only) chandler demonstrations by Chili Bob Whatley. Chili Bob is well known for the beautiful candles he produces!

On the Village Green area, local resident Curt Munson will be demonstrating revolutionary war-era rifles and how shot balls were made in colonial times.

“We are looking forward to the Maple Fest, and seeing many of our friends who stop by each year to enjoy seeing history re-enacted,” said Freddy.

Plenty of free parking is available at Country Carpenters, so make this a stop on your list for this year’s Maple Fest!


Experience History at Maple Fest!

For the 23nd consecutive year, Hebron Historical Society will again hold their annual Quilt Show, and delight visitors once again with over a hundred quilts, both modern and historical, displayed at Old Town Hall. Nathalie Peltier-Horton is again hosting the show. If you have a quilt you'd like to display, please contact Peltier-Horton at 860-645-8421.

This year's quilt show will honor the work of lifelong resident, Marie Smith Billard. Billard has quilted for decades, both for her family and for numerous charitable organizations. "Marie never goes anywhere, even vacation, without her sewing machine," said Peltier-Horton. "Quilting has played a defining role in her life and in her community work, and we want to pay special tribute to her creative talent by featuring many of her pieces."

"Nathalie's creativity is what makes the Quilt Show so popular every year," said Maple Fest Coordinator Annie Piggott. "She collects different quilts of all styles and colors, and artistically displays them in a manner that makes each show unique." Visitors are allowed to photograph (but not touch) the quilts, so remember to bring your cameras!

Another popular event will be repeated this year: quilting demonstrations offered by Peltier-Horton, Elaina Strid, and Karen Strid, a well-known local quilter and owner of Sew Little Time. The demonstrations are scheduled for both Saturday and Sunday. Other local quilters will be on hand to answer questions about fabrics, styles and methods.

Donations to the Quilt Show are $2 for adults; children are always free. To protect the quilts, no food or beverages are allowed inside Old Town Hall during the show.

The Society will also be offering its usual dazzling variety of "teacup auction" items. These baskets and auction items feature things that appeal to all ages, including hand-made goods, kids' baskets, and food baskets. As in past years, tickets for the auction items are still only 50 cents apiece, or 3 for $1.00. Winning tickets will be drawn Sunday at 3:00 p.m.; you do not need to be present to win. Winners will be called.

Peter Billard will also be back for the second year inside Old Town Hall, discussing the Hebron Heritage Photo project. Billard, with the help of many longtime residents, has been collecting old photographs, documenting the history behind the photos based on oral memories, and posting them to his website, www.hebronheritagephoto.com. This is a great project that has already benefited many who study genealogy or are researching their own family roots.

The Society's famous Maple Milk will be available in the front of Old Town Hall, located adjacent to the Douglas Library right in the center of Hebron. Many visitors claim they come to Maple Fest just for the maple milk, a delicious concoction of milk, syrup and "secret ingredients." Ned Ellis and Farmers Cow have again donated the fresh whole milk.

Farmers Cow representatives Robin Chesmer and Kathy Smith will also be joining the Society for the second year in a row to promote the company's newest ice cream flavors. The Society is pleased to support Farmers Cow in honor of Hebron's long history of dairy farming.

For the second year, the Lebanon Towne Militia will be doing a military encampment in the Old Town Records/Gull School House area, adjacent to Hebron Town Office Building. There is plenty of parking available in the Town Office Building parking lot. Last year, well over 700 visitors attended the encampment and were thrilled to see the demonstrations of colonial military life and what patriots had to endure just to survive.

For a great learning adventure, a live animal demonstration featuring Nate Baribault's famous goats will be held at the Old Town Pound, located at the intersection of Chestnut Hill Road and Route 66, just west of the center of town. This popular attraction drew almost 250 visitors last year, and keeps growing in attendance every year. Old Town Pound will be open Saturday only from 10:00 a.m. until 200 p.m. Admission is free to all.

Carolyn Aubin and her team of National Honor Society volunteers will be offering tours of two historic one-room school houses. Aubin is an experienced docent in the field of colonial education, and her programs delight both young and old. Please note that the two buildings will be open Saturday only.

The Gull School House, located on Marjorie Circle and adjacent to the Town Office Building parking lot, will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Parking is available at the Town Office Building parking lot (15 Gilead Street) with easy access to the historic building via the new granite steps installed by Parker Aubin as part of his Eagle Scout Project.

The Burrows Hill School House, the oldest school house in town, located on Burrows Hill Road, will be open from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Admission is free, although donations are gratefully accepted.

Mark your calendars for Maple Fest, and make sure your plans include stops at these many events that feature Hebron history. Enjoy Hebron... It's Here to Stay!